This lets us splice the expression into our bit of boilerplate code, then the whole shebang is converted back into a syntax object as the final transformation. 这使我们能够将表达式拼接到样板代码的位中,然后将产生的整个表达式转换为语法对象。
And all the Woodstock wannabe's speculated whether Bruce Springsteen would be the surprise mystery final act to close the whole shebang. 所有伍德斯托克的拥蹙,都在期盼布鲁斯史普林斯汀,是否是此次盛会的神秘压轴嘉宾。
We got the time, the place, the whole shebang. 我们知道时间、地点以及整个作业。
An entire system; used in the phrase "the whole shebang". 一个用于短语全部事物。
The wedding's next week, but my parents are taking care of the whole shebang. 婚礼就在下周举行,但我的父母把一切全包办好了。
She wanted the whole shebang. 她掌管了全部的家当。
The whole shebang smells sort of fishy to me. 整个事情使我觉得有点蹊跷。
Or, like me, are you just plain knackered and thankful the whole bloody shebang is finally over? 又或者,好像我一样,你只是简单地既感到疲累又感到欣慰这该死的一切终于结束了?
The chances are that the Chinese government, like Richard Nixon's in1972, will say "job done" and pull the plug on the whole shebang. 属于中国领导人的那一时刻,是否会像1972年的尼克松一样说“任务完成了”然后拔下整个系统的插头呢。
When you're done, flip the peelings into the garbage and rinse the bag to reuse another day, or simply toss the whole shebang into the trash. 干完直接把蔬果皮倒掉,把塑料袋洗干净留作改日再用,或者简单地直接把蔬果皮连同塑料袋一起扔掉。